Substitute Approvers in SAP Business One

During the year, particularly in summer, our collaborators usually take a break to rest. In the case of those with key functions within the organization, it can cause certain delays in the company’s regular processes, for example, when making approvals.

SAP Business One — in its latest version- allows assigning substitutes to approvers during the time of their license, so that they can really rest and no bottlenecks are created.

To assign a substitute you must:

  1. Go to the “Administration” module

2. Click on “Approvals” > and again enter the option “Substitute Approver”

3. Once on the screen, complete the data:

⦁ Original authorizer user
⦁ Substitute Approver User
⦁ Date period in which this authorization will be valid
⦁ What documents is the substitute supposed to approve (all or only some particular templates)
4. Done

Watch the video HERE.
